"Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will." ~ Unknown.
Funny that this quote should come across my Face Book screen today (Thanks, BB). Two months ago, I received a rejection for a study of Italian children's literature I had proposed. I felt dejected, yet felt a strong need to create a study abroad program for my students in teacher education. I knew it needed to be in Italy, modeling one in which I had the great opportunity to teach during the summer of 2005. That summer, I taught for Penn State University in Rome for the Human Development & Family Studies program. It was the best six sequential weeks of my life.
I not only learned more about my heritage in my ancestral homeland, but met amazing people, especially the 12 students in the program. We journeyed in a group (not without occasional squabbles and tons of laughs and great times) and became friends and learning colleagues together.
It's hard to believe that was 10 yrs. ago already! I have asked several of these students (I am still in touch with almost everyone and the professor I co-taught with) to join with me in writing an article about how this study abroad experience impacted their lives.
So, with some perseverance, and pushing aside the hundreds of reasons such a program and my efforts would not NOT work, I found a reason that did: I wanted my current students to have the same opportunities of my group in 2005. The Director of Advising of the College of Education and Human Services and I started talking one day, and the next thing I knew, she told me the Dean was interested. I had been talking on and off with the Assistant Director of International Programs, and I knew I had her support, as well.
I called a meeting, discussed possibilities and set some goals, and the Interim Dean told me to move forward. After I wrote a proposal, created a budget, and planned where I would want the program to be located, I checked airlines and web sites for clean, yet inexpensive hotels, B&B's, and schedules, and within a month, my proposal was up and running, and funded! I was off to Italy to scout out a program just right for VSU!
I found the one reason it will work: I am DETERMINED to make it happen.
Over the past three weeks in Italy, I interviewed five study abroad programs, toured dozens of office/classroom spaces, student and faculty apartments, listened to how one program differed from another, noted locations, walking distances, conveniences American students would expect, and those they could live without. I found primary and elementary schools willing to have my students visit, tutor, and do simple activities with children. I found an adult education English program that would enjoy meeting us and having a dinner together to practice their English while telling us about their city. I met three mayors (one accidentally when I asked him for directions on a morning stroll), two of whom want to have an audience with our VSU students, and one who will arrange a dinner and school visits for us. I even found a Smart car in VSU colors!
Parents of an Italian friend hosted us for several nights, making sure we visited the cherry groves in their town (ooohhhh, such sweet cherries!). They arranged a tour for us at the balsamic vinegar factory of their friend. They brought me to their town mayor, who has several special events planned, should our program occur next summer and we visit their town.
want this to happen...
Do you want to join me?
A questionnaire will be sent to VSU students soon. The pilot program is open to 10 VSU students enrolled in an education program and with grades in good standing. Although my target is students in ECSE, it will initially be open to ANY COEHS student and any member of the Honor's College.
MUCH more information will be coming. Keep checking back.
I can be reached at dlmarciano@valdosta.edu - Please put in the SUBJECT: Study Abroad SU'15