Buon Compleanno to one of the world's masters...
Here is a mini-tribute to one of my heroes. I am always overcome by emotion when I view the works of this master artist, sculptor, and genius.
On March 6th 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti was born near Florence. His influence is world renowned, and his statement, "Ancora imparo' - I am still learning" is reputed to be something he said in his late 80's. That philosophy is my email signature... humbled that he should think he was still learning after a lifetime of masterpieces.
This web site is fabulous as it gives an overview of his life and accomplishments, struggles, and successes.
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone is a huge volume of his life... (also available in a not so great movie from 1965). The book brought me to Renaissance Florence, and I could imagine the entire location when I ready it.
I was literally in tears last June, as I photographed the Rondanini Pieta, (shown here), at the Sforza Castle in Milan.
This is the piece Michelangelo was working on when he died. I had seen this when I was 16, but what a different appreciation I had this time. We were able to walk around it, inches away, for over an hour.
What a feeling to be able to see Michelangelo's name carved into the base, and the chisel strokes, and one polished leg, all in one statue, only inches away from my eyes.

I am so blessed to have seen many pieces created by this genius - the Sistine Chapel, both before and after its restoration, David (who I did spend an hour photographing in 1988 - no photos are allowed now), and much more...
I cannot wait to share some of these with the Study Abroad Students in the Valdosta to Valle'D'Aosta and Beyond Program...